Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Helping you overcome trauma by using bilateral stimulation to process stuck emotions and triggering core beliefs.

Have you tried traditional talk therapy, but you have still struggled to find relief.

EMDR is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the desensitization of triggering memories and beliefs. It allows your brain to make things in your past and present feel less painful. Bilateral stimulation is used to help you process disturbing memories by stimulating the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Essentially allowing your emotional brain to feel less “stuck.” Bilateral Stimulation can be done with eye movements from left to right, headphones with sound shifting from left to right, or even alternating tapping. This process of bilateral stimulation is thought to replicate what our eyes do during REM sleep.

EMDR has been found to be one of the most effective treatment modalities for trauma. It is a structured therapy that allows you to briefly focus on a trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation. This process allows you to reduce the intensity of emotions associated with the memory. Some memories can be resolved in one session. Others could resolve in 8-12 sessions. I also offer EMDR Intensive sessions for people that are ready to tackle “stuck” emotions at an accelerated rate. EMDR is effective on trauma, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic attacks, pain, and other mental health conditions

Please take time to learn a little more about Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR).

There are 3 primary stages to EMDR. This is what you can expect:

  • We begin by talking through your goals. Discuss your history of adverse life events, your therapy history, assess current coping skills, and your current support systems. This process will allow us to identify core beliefs and core vulnerabilities to target.

  • Next we will engage in processing the emotions, thoughts, and memories that you are targeting for relief using bilateral stimulation.

  • In the final phase we will work towards integrating positive emotions, thoughts, and memories.

Have you struggled with childhood trauma, anxiety, intrusive memories, birth trauma, adoption trauma, or any other past experience that has continued to negatively impact your life? If you are tired of feeling stuck, maybe EMDR is right for you!

A woman holding a baby
A laptop, headphones, and a yoga mat neatly arranged on a white table.

Also offering EMDR Intensives!

An EMDR intensive session is an extended session and a way to deliver the treatment in a short time period. Using this physiological therapy technique during an extended therapeutic session could allow for more processing and progress to maximize relief. These sessions can range from 90 minutes- 3 hour sessions and move at an accelerated rate.

  • Trauma related to assault, abuse, neglect (PTSD)

  • Painful childhood experiences, childhood/attachment trauma (CPTSD)

  • Adoption Trauma

  • Stress, Anxiety, Phobias, OCD, self esteem struggles

  • Depression and Negative Self-Talk

  • Chronic Pain/Illness, Medical Trauma

  • infertility and pregnancy loss, Birth Trauma

  • and more

Have you tried traditional talk therapy and it hasn’t seemed to help?

A tall potted plant in a brown pot
A woman's hands wrapped around baby's feet

EMDR can be used in the traditional 50-minute therapeutic model. It can still provide relief and help clients get “unstuck.” If you are limited on time and would like to have an intensive session to allow for you to process more targets, just ask for more information.

You may be looking for a space where you can process and work towards putting you past behind you. Having EMDR can allow you to feel a little lighter and less overwhelmed about past trauma. You may gained the ability to actually be able to talk about it and continue with talk therapy after an EMDR session.

EMDR is not for everyone. A phone consultation could be beneficial to determine if it is right for you.

Tisheila Justice, LCSW


To help you determine the best Treatment for you!

As a trauma therapist, I know that it is hard to feel “stuck” even though you have done everything you could to feel better. After years of counseling, you may feel like you will never overcome these struggles.

I use EMDR intensives to truly target the thoughts and beliefs that have been holding you back. The 50-minute weekly model can take more time and cost more money over time. Therapy is changing and we now have a lot more options for you to choose from.

I often weave in several other therapeutic modalities during the intensive session. I often incorporate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Hypnotherapy, Guided Imagery, Emotional Focused Therapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Mindfulness, Attachment theory, Positive Psychology, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

If you don’t think weekly 50- minute sessions are good for you, ask about my EMDR/ Hypnotherapy Intensives.

I offer EMDR/ Hypnotherapy Intensives in a 90-minute model/ 2- hour model/ and a 3- hour model. These sessions can be a one time appointment of multiple appointments over the course of a few days or weeks.

At this time these sessions are held in a virtual platform.

We can discuss if Intensives are right for you during a phone consultation.


Intensive Package Pricing:

  • 90-minute session starts at $850 (includes 1 hour initial interview and 30 minute post interview. Total of 180 minutes/ 3 hours all in the same day)

  • 2-hour session starts at $1000 (includes 1 hour initial interview and 30 minute post interview. Total of 210 minutes/ 3 hours and 30 minutes all in the same day)

  • 3-hour session starts at $1200 (includes 1 hour initial interview and 30 minute post interview. Total of 270 minutes/ 4 hours and 30 minutes all in the same day)

  • Health Insurance often does not cover Intensives, but a superbill can be provided for out of network reimbursement.

Are you tired of inching towards relief?

Schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation today.