Therapy for moms and mom-to-be, struggling to manage it all.

Helping you overcome childhood trauma, birth trauma, postpartum issues, navigate parenting, maintain your relationships, and optimize your mental health.

You have accomplished a lot of things in your life, but the transition to motherhood has been more challenging than anticipated.

No matter how perfect things seem, you still wonder if you are making the “right” decisions. Your days are filled with worry and self-doubt. A lot of old feelings have started to return. You are having scary, intrusive thoughts that have triggered your anxiety and have caused you to question if you will be able to be a good mother.

Over time, the stress and worry has started to drain you. You are struggling to connect to your support system, reconnect with your partner, and your inner child is triggered daily! 

A black woman and child preparing food in a kitchen.
A black woman flipping through a book while sitting in bed with a wicker tray beside her

Maternal mental health issues are so much more than constant worry and postpartum depression.

Motherhood awakens the unhealed trauma, your deepest fears, and an overwhelming urge to prevent your child from hurting the way your inner child still hurts. It impacts your family, friends, job, and physical  health.

Managing your past trauma, postpartum struggles, birth trauma, relationships, and exploring your new identity can be a juggling act.

The consequences of failing is a heavy burden you carry daily. It is impacting more than your mindset. 

Have you already noticed poor sleep, irritable mood, headaches, inflammation, chronic pain, chronic illness flares, and feeling disconnected from things and people you love?

A woman holding a baby
A laptop, headphones, and a yoga mat neatly arranged on a white table.

Maternal Mental Health Counseling  includes a wide range of issues, including:

  • PostPartum Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Birth Trauma

  • Triggered Childhood Trauma

  • Challenging Relationship Dynamics

  • Changes in Body Image

  • Self-care and Work-life Balance

Have you struggled to reintegrate the old you and the maternal you?

A tall potted plant in a brown pot
A woman's hands wrapped around baby's feet

Societal expectations of mothers are full of unrealistic pressure to over-extend yourself, erase yourself, live up to work responsibilities, manage the invisible mental load of the household, and the pressure to look amazing while doing it all! It is very easy to lose your identity while trying to live up to these expectations.

As a mom with a trauma history you may have added pressures. You do NOT want to repeat generational patterns. You want to break the cycle, but have no idea how. You are constantly worried that you will break your child’s heart the way your heart has been broken in the past.

You may be looking for a space where you can process and work towards finding yourself again. While building your confidence as a mother and learning to build a secure attachment with your child.

Tisheila Justice, LCSW


To help you THRIVE

As a trauma and maternal mental health therapist, I primarily work with women that are navigating pregnancy, postpartum, and the motherhood journey. I create an environment to heal trauma and become the mother you want to be. Helping you embrace your authentic self, develop coping strategies, and regain control of your life. 

My counseling approach is highly tailored to the needs of each client. Therapy is a customized experience for all of the mothers I work with. I am highly trained in several modalities and draw from many counseling methods that will help you heal and thrive in your life. 

Some of the therapy approaches I use include, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (HRV), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Guided Imagery, Mindfulness, Attachment theory, Positive Psychology, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

If you don’t think one on one therapy is good for you, ask about my Birth Trauma/ Postpartum group.

The Birth Trauma/ Postpartum group is a 6 week long program.

Each week we meet for 60 minutes on a virtual platform.

The cost of the program is $450 ($75 per session).


You can expect to learn:

  • Co-regulation skills

  • Attachment techniques and skills to navigate relationships

  • How to manage Postpartum Anxiety 

  • Parts work to help manage your inner child and silence your inner critic

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to enhance living within your values

Finally put your past behind you and start creating your future now

Schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation today.